Monday, April 6, 2015

A Quick, One Layer Top Fold A2 Card

Today I had one of those mornings when I should have been vacuuming and washing a load of clothes, but an idea popped in my head for a card. Needless to say, within minutes I was pulling out a dozen stamp sets looking for a few small flowers for my card.  I lucked up and found one stamp set with everything I was looking for. Using two stripes of Post It Removable Labeling Tape, I masked off the top of the card at the scored fold and again in the upper portion of my card base. I wanted this card to be one that was quick and easy to make several of at a time. I have a couple birthday's coming up and this will be easy to go back and add a birthday sentiment to later. I used a Colonial White card base, but our White Daisy would have been just as pretty. Using it also will change the tone of any inks used. I only used four colors for my card. Some days I like using many layers, but lately I have been going for a clean and simple card.  Enjoy!

Happy Scrappin......Cheryl

1 comment:

Shirley Ross, rockin' heARTist said...

Beautiful card Cheryl, you have inspired me!

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...