Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day. For Rick and me, it is one of our most favorite days. He told me he loved me for the first time today, thirty seven years ago. Another special day for us is Mother's Day Eve. He asked me to marry him that night, and then the most important date was September 25th, 1976. The day we said "I do." Rick and I never exchange expensive gifts on any Holiday, but we have always enjoyed our cards we exchange. I cringe when I look and see what he spends on my cards. But, Rick always says not to look and just enjoy the card. Typically I always get two. One is marked "open this one first". It is always a funny and humorous card. The second card marked"open last" normally comes with a tissue because I know I will be crying soon after reading it. Rick prefers not to shop, but he will spend all the time needed until he finds these two special cards. He is a Prince among men. His two daughters and Grands think so too. I was blessed when I met him!

The past two weeks I really have not done much around the house. Two weeks ago I made a mess in our living area with me dragging all sorts of stuff from my scrapbook room to the dining room and kitchen. Piles and stacks of stuff everywhere. I spent almost one full week pulling stuff, taking pics, listing items on my Facebook yardsale page, and then the numerous trips to the post office getting it all mailed out promptly. Then this past week both me and my Baby Grand were sick with a cold, cough, and low grade fever. I think we are now on the mend. Both of us have the residual, annoying cough. But, at this point we know it's on it's way out and we will be back to running at full speed soon. Tonight I had everyone over for dinner. It is always too crazy on Valentine's Day to even think about eating out, plus we all enjoy and prefer a meal at home anyway. But with my house being a wreck, I had to do some cleaning along with the cooking. Also, I let Valentine's Day sneek up on me and I had not taken the time to make Rick's card yet. So, with my Baby Grand here today, we had a very busy and full day together.

I really had no idea or clue on where to start with Rick's card, but I knew I had a long list of chores waiting to be tackled today too and I had to get moving. My priority was making the card. It was Valentine's Day and a day we love to celebrate, so after breakfast I got busy. I used this paper for my stamping. I love PaperTrey Inks papers.Their white "paper basics" is perfect to use with Copic markers. A really nice, smooth, thick cardstock. I have never been disappointed in using it. For my papers I used a retired paper collection from Stampin Up called Love Letters. I totally love these papers and have a nice stash saved. There is not a paper in this collection that I don't love. Here is a pic of the wonderful patterns. My card base and matt layers are Red Riding Hood also from Stampin Up.

For my card I chose two of the stamps I recently bought at the Rubber Stamp Show that was here in Mesquite Texas in January. For my image I used the Sweet Cowgirl stamp from Young Rebel's. With us just moving from Alabama to Texas this past year, I loved the effect of the herringbone DSP along with this adorable little cowgirl. For my sentiment I used a verse from I loved these two stamps together.

Being in such a hurry today, I did not take the time with any shading when coloring the image using my Copic markers. I felt lucky that the card came together as quickly as it did and just moved on, but I was still pleased with how it turned out.
My friend Ray Waxman is a Stampin Up Demonstrator and I ordered from her the framelits dies that I used to cut my stamped image. I am a huge Spellbinder buyer and user. I think it is wonderful that more companies are getting competitive and marketing similiar products to the Spellbinder dies. This was my first time using these dies and I just loved them! From there I inked my edges, used pop dots to accent the layers, matted my verse, and called it a day.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Second "Scrap & Dash"

I went to my second "Scrap & Dash" at Scrapper's Boutique on Saturday. Alex, my twelve year old Grand was able to attend too. It was a joy to have her with me scrappin. My five year old Baby Grand begged to go too. She was so sad and upset when her Gamma told her children couldn't go until they turned ten. Hoping one of our local scrapbook stores will have a young children's class this summer.

Susan Liles, who designed this weeks page sent everyone a "hint" that it was going to be a western page. I was sooooo excited about this idea. I have been wanting to do a mini album on our recent move from Alabama to Texas, but didn't know where to start. It has been almost one year since I have done anything other than making cards. I felt kind of rusty with the thought process! We arrived for class and was totally amazed on what an adorable, cute page Susan had created. I just loved it! Everyone was excited and most of the ladies bought an extra page kit to make a double 12" x 12' scrapbook page. This was such a nice page to make. I am so impressed with Susan's work. A very creative gal.

This is not the best pic. Not sure how anyone takes pics of their cards or pages. My lighting is never great taking pics. Oh well. Hopefully you can see the full image of the double page. I have been cloud nine crazy over this layout all week!

Here is the left page. She only created one page for our class, but I wanted a double page layout and so I came up with this page. I tried to have the theme flow from one page to the other.

Again, not a great pic. Hoping you can click on each pic to get a more close up view. I am just loving making these pages each week. Don't know if I mentioned it, but I really LOVED making these two pages!! LOL

Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine Page

Initially when I moved here the end of September, my priority and main goal was to unpack. I spent weeks doing that and got everything but a few boxes done. Then we went back for our second and last load in December and filled the garage up again. Most of the stuff from our second trip was both garage and attic items, so not much we need or can do anything with until it warms up. Once we can open the garage door and have more space to move things around a bit and maybe have a garage sale, we can get things better organized. I know Spring is coming, but for now I am so tired of seeing boxes piled up and no room to park our cars.

It is nice to have life settle down some too. I am slowly discovering the scrapping world of Fort Worth and meeting some wonderful, sweet new friends. This past Saturday I went to my first "Scrap & Dash" at with my new friend Patti. It is held every Saturday and is on a first come, first serve basis. I would guess she has room for ten scrappers around four tables. This week there were eight of us. Each week she puts out a small rack filled with a new paper collection, a displayed completed 12 x 12 page, individual written instructions, and from there you and your scrappin buddies cut the pieces needed and make your own page. This was both Pattie's and my first time to attend, and we had a blast. The first page I have made in almost one year! Really looking forward to returning this weekend.

This is the example from the store. I never realized there were five 2" x 2' squares along the bottom and I only cut four. Not sure where my eyes were! My page is not 100% as the example because of not having the right type of glue at home where I finished the pages.
I really loved the colors on this page. I would never have thought to use aqua blue along with the reds and pinks on a Valentine page, but it worked beautiful. Then the gray and black both compliment each other.

I distressed my edges. It sure took a long time to get two seperate pages done. I ended up buying two page kits. One for each Grand. 

 I had more empty space along the bottom because I only had four squares, so I added some twine. I also ended up adding my letters in a different space than the example. I struggled with trying to adhere letters to the black lace. My glue did not like the fabric lace. I had more glue on my finger tips than the ribbon and chipboard. 

This is my finished page. I am really excited about attending this fun class each week. I was wanting to do some type of  "2013 in Review" album for each Grand this year. If these pages cover every Holiday for the year, I might be able to get it done!

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...