Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Wow...less than two week from Christmas. Have I finished my shopping? The correct question should be have I started my shopping. I have a few things bought, but for some reason I just cannot get into the mood this year. I have my youngest Grand done and almost finished for my other one, but almost nothing for my husband, kids, or parents. I guess I will get out there tomorrow after making a list and get it done. Just so much to do around here since our second trip to Alabama earlier this month when we totally finished emptying the house. It still has not sold, but that is another depressing story for later. Our garage here is over flowing. You may have some walking room, but that is it. Most of the things we just brought home was attic stuff. Half ours, half our kids. Our girls both have said they don't want any of their things, but I am not giving it to them to throw out. I will continue holding it until they change their mind.

I have been making a few Christmas cards. Only a few compared to the almost fourty I need to mail out. I bought a kit from Close To My Heart. Pears and Partridge. It is so beautiful, is all still in the package waiting to be made. I don't guess they will make themselves. If I was still holding my class in Alabama, they would have all been done in class. Oh are a few I have been making.

This card took me almost two days to make. Of course added to that was having my two Grands here, a band concert, and going out to dinner. I guess I had a total of four hours each day to figure out this card and make it. All I had to go by were a few pics and a list of the punches she used. No assemble directions. After finally finishing it, I quickly made two more within an hour or two. So much easier the second time around!
 This was Alex's first band concert. She is in the "Beginner Band" They were awesome for only playing together for less than two months. 
This is my oldest daughter, my SIL Jeremy, and Baby Grand, Madison.

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Poor Blog.....

My poor blog. I have severely neglected it these past few months. Facebook has taken over my life and I just love it!. It is so hard to remember to eat or feed the dog with my fanny stuck to the chair all day. If I didn't have to go to work in the evening, I guess I would stay in my PJ's all day with a Diet Coke in front of me and Frazier reruns playing on the TV.

Our house still has not sold. We have changed realtors also and that has not helped. The first realtor had our house for almost four months and only showed it one time. Everyone told me, even my sweet Momma said it was time to change. She is a very nice woman and sells a lot of houses, but just not ours. I hated to do it, but it was a business decision. The realtor we have now has shown it many times, but still nothing. We lowered the price and she said it's priced to sell. The house is 100% show ready, but not sold. Why..why..why? Grrrrrrr.

September is almost here and school started back in our area this week. I sure do miss these days with my girls. Loved the "First Day of School" pictures. I am hoping my daughter remembers to take some of my Grands when they start school next week in Texas. My oldest will be in the 6th grade and the "little one" will attempt 4YO Preschool again. Ashley tried to get her in the same program in the Spring, but they required for Madison to take a nap. She refused, and told her Mom she was not going back after the third day. So we will see how things go this year. The little Stinker!

We had a great summer. My two daughters, two Grands, and me went to Orange Beach for a short beach trip. It was wonderful! We all love the hot sun, sand, and seafood. A month later my youngest daughter and I flew to New York to celebrate my Mom's 80th Birthday and then drove over to Michigan for a Close To My Heart Gathering for my baby sister. It was my first Gathering and I was pretty nervous worrying if something would come up that I could not take care of or get stuck while  placing orders on the computer. But everything went great and Brenda had a really wonderful turnout. She qualified for so much free stuff that she had a blast making lists of what she wanted to order. I think she is hooked on our nice stamps and inks. The same two things that got me loving Close To My Heart products too!

Here are a few pictures of some projects I have been working on. I just love making cards and scrapbook pages. I also "might" be having one of my cards published in the Hobby Lobby quarterly magazine. I submitted two cards, they requested on of them. Not 100% sure it will be used, but from everything I have been told  I think it is a go.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am now a Close To My Heart Consultant

I was talked into it....sort of. I think Close To My Hearts beautiful papers, inks, and stamps really sold me on signing up. I am totally in the dark with what is expected of me, but I am willing to learn. I will be focusing using CTMH products for my weekly card class. Up to this point I have used a variety of other companies products. Here is a video showing our current promition; Dotty If you are interested in placing on order, please let me know.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Offical

Well, after a long, drawn out process, I finally have our house on the market. It really could have, should have been listed back in December, but I have been dragging my feet on doing this. It's sad, but I just don't want to leave my home, friends, and life in Alabama. But lately, I have really been missing seeing my husband and know it's time to move on. Rick and I had talked of moving to Texas after we retired in five to seven years,  but our plans were changed after learning his boss/owner was terminally ill and sold the company. So, life goes on. But my heart and home will always be in Alabama.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moving to Texas

Rick's company was suddenly bought out in August and they were told the company would change hands in October. Rick said if he has to start over with a company, he would rather start over in Texas close to our girls. He called a similiar type of business in Fort Worth, they flew him out there over Halloween weekend and offered him the job. Rick's first day on his new job was in mid December and my job here was to get the house on the market. Well.... a month later still no for sale sign. I have played around and enjoyed scrapping when I wanted to and make a daily trail of my clothes and dishes throughout the house! LOL Well, Rick has run out of patience and I have been warned ........ So I have cancelled any further card classes at Hobby Lobby after tomorrow until I have enlisted a realtor and have a sign in the yard. I thought I would post my sneak peaks for my class tomorrow on here today. I have totally loved doing my weekly classes and I am amazed by the time and effort it takes to design and produce three cards each week. But I must say I am looking forward to having a break from my class in order to finally get our house on the market. It will be a joyious blessing to be living within five miles of  my daughters and Grands!

BCS Champions!

This post is not about scrapbooking, but something to scrapbook about! What an exciting game!!

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...