Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alex's 10th birthday

Well, in a little over an hour from now Rick and I will be on our way to Fort Worth for Alexandria's 10th birthday! She actually turned 10 yesterday on the 14th, but her party is on Saturday. We debated which weekend to have her party, but I was uncomfortable with flying around 9/11.  Last year we had to miss her birthday, the first one for me, because of my Mom's open heart surgery and having to go to Florida.  Alex has asked us for the last two weeks if we have our bags packed. Here is Alex's card. I actually should have thought of making it prior to tonight, but I just didn't think about it. I hope she likes it.

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Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...