Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tags are Mailed....hopefully!

Well, I took my five tags to the post office yesterday and got them mailed out. With a tag swap you have to include a self-addressed paid return envelope. This will be for the host of the swap to return the tags made by others back to you. When I arrived, I was the only one in line. She is an avid scraper too and we started a conversation about the tag swap and the unknown cost for my return postage. In the middle of her discussing the pricing options for shipping several customers walked in and was totally not interested in my delima. In a hurry we quickly decided to put one dollar more in postage on the return envelope than what I had on the outgoing package. I quickly paid for my purchased envelopes and postage and left. It was only after I was on my way to work an hour later that I remembered I was never given a receipt, the option to have my package insured, have it a Priority Mail delivery, or to have delivery confirmation added. I just have to think positive that it is safely on it's way to Pensacola and will arrive by Tuesday. Wouldn't it be a scream if it get's lost or doesn't arrive? Oh no. Can't even entertain that thought!

1 comment:

Scrapinkats said...

Hopefully they will arrive... the US mail seems better lately-- Priorty mail and the scare of no Saturday delivery seems to have stepped up some of the people! I have a Nice mailman at the store...
now if we can convince the lady who comes to the house that she can DRIVE down the driveaway to drop packages - she says since we have a NO TResspassing sign she isn't suppose to come down...
whatever... my last one would put my stuff in my car if I wasn't home--

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...