Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tags are Mailed....hopefully!

Well, I took my five tags to the post office yesterday and got them mailed out. With a tag swap you have to include a self-addressed paid return envelope. This will be for the host of the swap to return the tags made by others back to you. When I arrived, I was the only one in line. She is an avid scraper too and we started a conversation about the tag swap and the unknown cost for my return postage. In the middle of her discussing the pricing options for shipping several customers walked in and was totally not interested in my delima. In a hurry we quickly decided to put one dollar more in postage on the return envelope than what I had on the outgoing package. I quickly paid for my purchased envelopes and postage and left. It was only after I was on my way to work an hour later that I remembered I was never given a receipt, the option to have my package insured, have it a Priority Mail delivery, or to have delivery confirmation added. I just have to think positive that it is safely on it's way to Pensacola and will arrive by Tuesday. Wouldn't it be a scream if it get's lost or doesn't arrive? Oh no. Can't even entertain that thought!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tags are finished!

Well, my tags are finally done! Good thing because they are due on Kathy's desk on the 31st. This is my first first online tag swap for me to participate in. All of us turn in five identical tags and then whoever holds the swap will swap the tags around and if I heard correctly each person will get five tags back in the mail. I am not sure if I will get one of mine back from our group or not. I think she has six groups of five ladies in the beach tag swap. I just found out that a scraper that lives within a half hour from me is also in Kathy's swap. How cool is that? I will be dropping my tags off at the post office this afternoon and they should be there by the deadline. I really enjoyed making them once I had an idea on what I wanted to do. This is the second Cricut project I have done this month. I have not used my Cricut in such a long time, so it was nice to dust it off and not have it just sit in the corner. Kathy also did a Ustream backpack album in Augusut on her blog and I recently bought the Locker Talk cartridge for this. I still need the My Community cartridge, but I'm in no hurry and looking for a good price for it on Ebay. I can't wait to make Alex one of these backbacks!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Butterflies

A week or so ago we had tons of nasty caterpillars on our back porch crawling everywhere. Some even managed to come into our house. Needless to say, no barefeet in the kitchen in the middle of the night! One of our neighbors mentioned there were dozens and dozens of them all out on the street one morning. Never had this to happen before. Kind of creepy! Anyway, my husband told me to kill them before they got to his garden and ate what the rabbits missed. But I just couldn't kill any of them. The few that made it into my house, I carefully picked them up, and dropped them in the grass out back. Well, a few days later I noticed dozens of large butterflies in our flower beds. I have never seen so many beautiful butterflies at one time. You know me, my camera is always close to my side, so here are some pictures of these pretty creatures. So glad I didn't have the heart to squish them in their earlier form!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Stampin Up Wish List

I sure do wish I had discovered Stampin Up products ten years ago when I first got into scrapbooking. I have drawers and shelves full of papers, inks, and markers in all colors, but not many of them coordinate. Then I discovered with SU all of their inks and markers fully corrdinate and match with their standard paper packs and Designer Papers. They also have several adorable stamp sets that have coordinating punches. So I started ordering a few new things here and there within the last year and have collected a lot of used stamp sets over the same time with Ebay. SU also has a clearance section on their website and I have recently bought many full sets of papers and other items real cheap this way. I still have a long way to go, but slowly working on it. I now attend a monthly card class and we have such a great time. Typically we make three cards or projects each month. Initally we paid $10.00 per class, but we have since formed a small club where the members pay a minimum $30.00 and everyone will rotate and on their month receive a free hostess set for $150.00 in orders. I was lucky enough and got the second month in our rotation and will play the host this Friday, the 20th. I am excited and looking forward to it. I also have to bring a snack and beverage for our small group. Anyway this is my wish list with SU. There are many more items I would love to have and enjoy, but these are the main ones I will be hoping to order over the next several months.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Uploading more than one picture....

Well, I am trying to figure out why I cannot post more than one picture at a time. I just did a "help" search and it told me this was possible, but I was going about it the wrong way. I am a computer duhhhh so sometimes it takes awhile for me to catch up to speed! But...I am posting this only to see if what I just read will work. Sooooo it it goes....... works! Darn I wish I had gone to my "help" button a long time ago!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mini cover

Well, I think I completed the front cover of my mini. I just love the paper, but it is a very busy pattern, so I tried not to go over board and have too much on it. I LOVE pearls and used many on here, but maybe it'll be okay. I went back after this pic was taken and added some gold Glimmer Mist to the tag. I am in the minority. Still not a huge fan of GM.  I know...I am the only one that's not!  My #1 fan, my husband, is not at home so I will have to wing it on the cover. I like to get his opinion on my crafts. He has a pretty good eye for balancing things out. Kind of helps me know when to stop with the embellishments! I still don't have a theme for the mini. I would love to make it for my Mom, but she just doesn't appreciate the hard work to complete a page or mini. She does love my homemade cards tho. So I have gotten thru to her on that! In the past when I have showed her an album, she just says scrapbooking is just too much trouble...just throw the pics in a photo album. Oh nooo. Can't do that! Then I thought of my cousin that died last September. She would have totally love this album, but her sister who I would give the book to is almost blind. So back to square one. Oh to decorate the inside.

Monday, August 9, 2010

K&Company & Linen Closet Mini

It feels so good to be able to sit down and scrap. With my two Grands here this summer it really took a backseat while I was having fun with them. But now they are back in Fort Worth and I have tons of pics to scrap! I started this mini this weekend and all that is left now is to embellish it. I think I want to use a lot of ribbons and flowers, but that part will have to wait until tomorrow. I need to get showered and off to work! Enjoy....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lot's of new yummy's!

It has been a great shopping weekend for me so far. Yesterday I picked up my Stampin Up order from Andrea . I ordered the cutest stamp set. It is the Greeting Card Kids # 120633 shown above. It is soooo adorable! If they have anything this year to go on a wait list, this would be the stamp set to do it. Totally cute and I can't wait to use it. I also bought the Large Tab Punch. I have been wanting this for so long. It is great with the mini's I love to make. Then today Rick and I went to Cullman for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It was delicious as always. Afterwards we went to my favorite local scrapbook store... I am making an Autumn mini and a Exploding envelope mini and needed some fall papers to make them. I forgot Kathy now has a Hoarder's Closet in the back of her store. It is a large room off her main store filled with tons of older goodies. I found several nice items to take home. It was a quick trip because Rick was sitting out in the truck with a sore back, looking at his watch, waiting on me. After getting back in the car I remembered that I totally forgot to get paper for my Exploding envelope mini. I have tons of paper at home, but I needed 12 pieces of paper, 4 sheets each of the same paper, so we stopped by Hobby Lobby which is just across the street and I ran in there for the paper. While there I "happened" to stop by the Spellbinders section and found the Label One at 30% off! I have searched and looked everywhere for this set, but couldn't find it anywhere. Becca Feeken at SplitCoasters is famous in using these on her beautiful projects. Well, time for me to get busy. I just signed up for a tag swap with Kathy Files at and I am sure she would love it if I got busy with the required five tags I have to make. Night-night.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our garden is slowly winding down

Our garden and flower beds were so fickle this summer. We had a very cold winter with snow five times this year and our dirt just didn't want to warm up at the normal time as it has before. My husband is a stickler for planting certain things at specific ground temperature. He gets with his garden buddies and they exchange all of these tips, hints, and garden recipes with each other. Anything they say is the Gospel in Rick's eyes.  Well, he waited on planting the okra until the ground was a certain temperature this spring, which didn't happen as early as last year. So now most of our garden has petered out, but our okra is just taking off. We planted corn for the first time this year and it was wonderful! It is all nicely cleaned and frozen in the freezer. Our carrots were planted too close to each other and as a result the baby carrots were long and thin. Just too much trouble to clean as they were, so they were trashed. Next summer we will space them better. Our crook neck squash was nice until the dreaded mildew got to it along with our cantaloupes, pumpkins, and watermelon. They were loaded too, but just as they were getting to be a nice size, the mildew zapped them. We also had some huge gross beetles and multiple tiny grasshoppers that swarmed and invaded our garden. Our tomatoes are overflowing with fruit. I made some delicious Salsa today using jalapenos, garlic, and tomatoes from our garden. This was the first time for me to attempt making it and it turned out so good! I have the onion breath and indigestion to show for it tonight! Mainly the few vegetables we have left are bell peppers, jalapenos. tomatoes, and the okra. We are already thinking of planting a fall garden with cool crops, but other than lettuce, and we are not big salad eaters, we really don't have any idea on what we can plant. A guess a Google search will answer our questions there. LOL. Next year we have plans for a few more plants. Not too many, but we would like to plant some green beans and maybe some herbs. Here is a picture of our garden when it was all growing nicely. In the front center we planted Cone Flowers for color. They really added to the beauty of the garden.

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...