Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rick's Gall Bladder Surgery

Well, it hasn't been boring around our house! Sunday night Rick went to bed around 9:00 PM. Two hours later he woke up and said he was having horrible stomach pains. He took some mylanta and walked around some, but the pain just increased. From there we decided the next step was the emergency room. We were seen promptly on arrival. The clerk mentioned the night before there was a four to five hour wait. After two injections of Morphine with no help, he was given Dilaudid and was able to get some relief from the acute pain. From there he was admitted and put on the standby list for gall bladder surgery. His surgery was at 9:00 AM, he was out of surgery at 10:00 AM, eating jello at 1:00 PM, and home at 6:00 PM. We both fell in the bed early last night by 8:30 PM and slept thru the night. Man, we have had an eventful 2010 so far. It's someone else's turn to have all of this fun!

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Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...