Saturday, November 20, 2010

Clean and Simple Stamping

I had such a fun time making this card. I actually found my inspiration from one of my favorite stampers; Michelle Woerner. Very talented lady! I have followed Clean and Simple Stamping's blog for a long time, but this is the first time I have added one of my projects.  Well, here is my version of her beautiful card.

This is Michelle's beautiful card

On my card, I used several Stampin Up products. Their Tree Trimmings stamps, Naturals White cardstock, Old Olive, Pear Pizzazz, Poppy Parade, and Close to Cocoa inks, Top Note Die, and Dimensionals. Cuttlebugs Polka Dots embossing folder, Spellbinders Classic Frames, Verve Joy to the World stamp, Fantastix's Frost White Shimmer Paint, One a String Gold Lame Cord by Craftsetc, and my most favorite 6x6 mini deck so far this year...Mitten Weather by Cosmo Cricket.

Well, a day later I made another card using the same theme. I am trying to make two of each card I create. One for me to send out to my family and friends and the second one will be part of a card set as a gift. Anyway, here is the second card I made. I am not a purple person, so I thought this would be a great project to use some of the purple papers in this mini deck. I love using pearls on my cards too as you can tell!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another Halloween Card

(I just found this pending post and pic. Not sure if it has been sent out, but sorry if it has) My husband would say I sure do need to be spending my energy cleaning the house and not tucked away in my studio playing. He's been wrong before, but not this time. LOL!  But oh well...I'm not leaving! Here is a quick card I made as I was attempting to go thru and organize my Sizzix dies. I have found several nice ones at  Really a great place to pick up some cheap dies.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another Card for Mom

Never fails...try to clean things up and I make an even bigger mess! Started off working hard as I was cleaning things out, unitl I found tons of forgotten stuff. From there I was back at my desk using the stuff. I still prefer Prismacolor pencils, but slowly getting more comfortable with using the Copic's. Everyone tells me if I take a Copic class I will really love them. I'm afraid of that too. They are not cheap either, around $7.00 per pen. I only have a small few, around twenty, but for now I'm fine with what I have. Anyway, a card for my sweet Momma. She was here last weekend for a short visit on their way to Florida for the winter. I sure do miss her when she's gone. Her visits are just too short. Love you Mom!

Organizing my Ribbons

Trying to get a hold of my craft room. It is horrible..... again! If I don't make a card, page, or project my room will stay pretty decent, but like when I am cooking it's all or nothing! I got these cute paper mache boxes from Hobby Lobby a year or so ago. They have been on the shelf collecting dust until I attempted to reorganize my room. I decided to put all of my ribbons in them. Later after I took this picture I used my Cricut and added "Ribbons" to the front of the yellow box. Maybe now I will use them more.

Just finished adding "Ribbons" to the 3rd box. Now to fill them up!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stampin' Up! Witches Hat Treat Holder

Isn't this adorable? I have several variations of this pattern, but this is what I am making this weekend for my little Treaters for Saturday night and for my kids in Texas. Got to get them in the mail on Monday!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Christmas Card Box

I spent all of last week getting ready for our neighborhood garage sale that we had this weekend. I really need to be putting things back in the attic and straightening my house. My sweet Momma will be visiting us  this coming weekend, but instead I opened my mailbox today, saw Angie's video, and just had to make one too! So here is my version of this cute card box. I used the DCWV Holiday Collection "The Christmas Stack" for this sweet card box. It has 180 beautiful coordinating papers in this nice stack. Anyway....who doesn't love to procrastinate????

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tag Swap

I checked mail yesterday on my way to work and saw a package in the mail box...then I saw my own handwriting on the envelope and got sooo excited. My tags from my first ever tag swap I participated in were here! I was going down the road opening the envelope and pulling out tags, one by one. I am sure if someone happened to look over at my car they would have been none to excited to see me opening my mail while driving, but I couldn't help myself! My only disappointment is not knowing who to thank for their beautiful tags.  Only one tag had the complete info on the back, three other's had names but no email or blog info, and then one had no info at all :(  But...I was quilty of doing the same thing. All I did was write Cheryl and Z-Scaper on the back of the ones I mailed in. I had no idea how important a name, email address, or blog info would be. I will now try and do a little research! 

 Not a lot to go on...just Group #3 and looks like the name Martin. I love the cartridge she used in making this, but not sure which one it is. She spent a lot of time piecing all of this together. Good job!

(Added later; this tag was tied for 2nd place!)
 This is sooo cute! This was from Bea Robinson. I think I have her on my blog list, but will check and make sure. I know we are on Skype together. I can't wait to "thank" her for this super nice tag! It was just too nice to open tho, so I took my pic without taking it out of the package. Bea spent a lot of time with the outside package of her tag also. I love the handwriting on it. I try and add some of my own handwriting on everything I make. I have horrible printing, but I think it's important to whoever receives it.
 This is really a great tag, but it has no name or any info to go by. I take hundreds of pics when we go on a trip or visit our Grands and this would be a great mini to make. You can't tell, but she has two layers with summer on the bottom layer and a window on the top layer showcasing the font. She also has a dozen or so ribbon ties with cute sayings attached on the top right. Really cute!

This is from Lisa AKA Scrapsation. I need to try and locate her also. Really nice bright colors and a lot of paper piecing also.
(Added later; This won 1st place!!)
 I was soooo happy to receive this tag. Kathy had shown it on her blog in September and I thought "wow!" It is totally an awesome tag and I love every inch of it. This was done by Marianne Ash at and her YouTube name is Mash723. I will be looking for her!
Marianne even added this fun tag to her tag package!  I listed my personal tag in an earlier post. I will have to go back and relocate my tag and post it on her too. I just wish I had made one for myself...oh well next time I will! Have a good Saturday and ROLL TIDE ROLL!!
Okay, I found my it is

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scrap Happens much for a clean studio! I got in here pulling this and that out making some cards and before I knew it there was stuff everywhere. How does anyone scrap and end up with a clean room?

Is everyone else enjoying this beautiful autumn weather? The leaves are slowly changing colors, pumpkins are being offered by our local farmers, and caramal apples for sale in the grocery store so you know fall has arrived.  This has been one of the hotest summers here in Alabama in a long time. This past week out of the blue, it cooled down. Night temperatures dropped from the mid 80's down to the mid 50's to 60's at night and from the mid 90's everyday down to the mid 70's. A wonderful relief from the hot humid temps we have had. So the AC was turned off and the windows opened. My husband was none to happy to have it off. He didn't appreciate the wonderful cool breeze blowing in from the windows, nor care about the money he was  saving by having the unit turned off, but I am. I am cheap, cheap with my utilities. If I can turn them off here and there and open a window, no matter what time of the year, I'm a happy girl. Normally, we only get two months within the year with a lower power bill, and I fully appreciate and look forward to them both!

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Busy Sunday afternoon

Fall is in the air! Yesterday was our first taste of this. It was wonderful with temperatures only in the mid 70's. We turned our AC off, opened the windows, and totally enjoyed the cool breeze blowing in. I felt energenic and went to my studio to clean out my many drawers and tubs of scrapbooking stuff. Over the last month I have cleaned, straightened, and finally rediscovered the carpet in my office, but still needed to go thru and organize everything that was out of sight. I got as far as my Sizzix station and as I was getting things all lined up I noticed several Sizzix dies that was bought during the summer for the fall but had not been used. have tons of nice dies on clearance. I had seven new dies that were calling my name! So, within just a few minutes all thoughts of cleaning was tossed out the window and I sat and played all afternoon. I did break away and make dinner, but that was almost the extent of my day. My husband came down with a nasty cold Saturday afternoon and still wasn't feeling the greatest, so he was was quiet watching TV and napping all day. Here are three cards that I made yesterday. The card with the tied ribbon is my favorite. Very easy and simple too.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My husband would say I sure do need to be spending my energy cleaning the house and not tucked away in my studio playing. He's been wrong before, but not this time. LOL! But oh well...I'm not leaving! Here is a quick card I made as I was attempting to go thru and organize my Sizzix dies. I have found several nice ones at  Really a great place to pick up some cheap dies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alex's 10th birthday

Well, in a little over an hour from now Rick and I will be on our way to Fort Worth for Alexandria's 10th birthday! She actually turned 10 yesterday on the 14th, but her party is on Saturday. We debated which weekend to have her party, but I was uncomfortable with flying around 9/11.  Last year we had to miss her birthday, the first one for me, because of my Mom's open heart surgery and having to go to Florida.  Alex has asked us for the last two weeks if we have our bags packed. Here is Alex's card. I actually should have thought of making it prior to tonight, but I just didn't think about it. I hope she likes it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day two!!

Another grueling day in my craftroom. I would so much love to stop and do some stamping, but Momma
will be here soon and she is such great motivation to clean!! Her white glove get's me each visit.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I have not totally cleaned my craftroom is a long time and boy does it show! My friend just had a yardsale at her store and I had such a wreck of a room, I couldn't get around all of the mess to find much of anything for the yardsale. But, I am working on it now! I just hope my energy will last another day or two to finish the room!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On a roll!

Well, I have been in the card maker mood. My husband... I am sure wished I was in the housecleaning or dinner making mood! But anyway, I'm on my way to work. One more card for Audrey. Hopefully she won't see the crooked papers along the top. I thought I was cutting them straight, but maybe I didn't line them up after applying the adhesive. Oh well....I've made worse!

Audrey is home!

Shortly after talking to my sister yesterday, she was discharged from the hospital. Yippee! Sooo happy for her. She is now home safe and sound. She is weak as a kitten and still has a large degree of abdominal pain, but all in all, she is healing and slowly her symptoms are resolving. Here is another card I made for her. I am not a pink person, but I thought the Stampin Up papers worked nicely.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Sister Audrey....

One week ago tomorrow my oldest sister was admitted to the ICU in the Buffalo area. The weekend prior she had driven to Flint, MI to attend a small high school reunion on Saturday at the local park where most of us, at least once, skipped school and played hookie. I must say for me, it wasn't just once.......Through out the day on Monday Audrey had frequent BM's and abdominal cramping. Sometime during the early morning on Tuesday, she started spotting and then had a couple hours of heavy rectal bleeding and had her husband take her to their local emergency room. She was quickly admitted for a probable E-Coli bacterial infection. Over the next two to three days her situation worsened and her diagnosis was changed to Renal Failure. Her first three to four days in the hospital was terrifying for our family. Because of the large amount of blood loss and continued extremely low blood pressures, her doctor's mentioned the possibility of blood transfusions, kidney dialysis, and pneumonia. Then on the morning of the fourth day, she started battling back. Her pressures were slightly higher and her bloating, edema, and abdominal pain was less. Every day after that she was slowly, day by day getting stronger. She had a few set backs, including a fever and fluid in her lungs, but she held steadfast. Yesterday afternoon she was moved to a private room. The only recent complication is a rapid heart rate and she will be evaluated by a Cardiologist some time today. The doctor's are saying if she continues to improve without any further set backs, she will most likely go home around Wednesday. They also requested a list of every meal, snack, and beverage she consumed over the weekend of her trip to Michigan, but nothing was found. No trace or hint of anything. They have no idea how or where she might have gotten infected. We are just happy she is on the road to a full recovery. I made her this card tonight. Normally I would post any project I make on my Facebook page, but I don't want her to see it online before she receives it. Tonight our family is so thankful and blessed that Audrey is gaining her strength each day and will be able to go home soon.... alive and well.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tags are Mailed....hopefully!

Well, I took my five tags to the post office yesterday and got them mailed out. With a tag swap you have to include a self-addressed paid return envelope. This will be for the host of the swap to return the tags made by others back to you. When I arrived, I was the only one in line. She is an avid scraper too and we started a conversation about the tag swap and the unknown cost for my return postage. In the middle of her discussing the pricing options for shipping several customers walked in and was totally not interested in my delima. In a hurry we quickly decided to put one dollar more in postage on the return envelope than what I had on the outgoing package. I quickly paid for my purchased envelopes and postage and left. It was only after I was on my way to work an hour later that I remembered I was never given a receipt, the option to have my package insured, have it a Priority Mail delivery, or to have delivery confirmation added. I just have to think positive that it is safely on it's way to Pensacola and will arrive by Tuesday. Wouldn't it be a scream if it get's lost or doesn't arrive? Oh no. Can't even entertain that thought!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tags are finished!

Well, my tags are finally done! Good thing because they are due on Kathy's desk on the 31st. This is my first first online tag swap for me to participate in. All of us turn in five identical tags and then whoever holds the swap will swap the tags around and if I heard correctly each person will get five tags back in the mail. I am not sure if I will get one of mine back from our group or not. I think she has six groups of five ladies in the beach tag swap. I just found out that a scraper that lives within a half hour from me is also in Kathy's swap. How cool is that? I will be dropping my tags off at the post office this afternoon and they should be there by the deadline. I really enjoyed making them once I had an idea on what I wanted to do. This is the second Cricut project I have done this month. I have not used my Cricut in such a long time, so it was nice to dust it off and not have it just sit in the corner. Kathy also did a Ustream backpack album in Augusut on her blog and I recently bought the Locker Talk cartridge for this. I still need the My Community cartridge, but I'm in no hurry and looking for a good price for it on Ebay. I can't wait to make Alex one of these backbacks!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Butterflies

A week or so ago we had tons of nasty caterpillars on our back porch crawling everywhere. Some even managed to come into our house. Needless to say, no barefeet in the kitchen in the middle of the night! One of our neighbors mentioned there were dozens and dozens of them all out on the street one morning. Never had this to happen before. Kind of creepy! Anyway, my husband told me to kill them before they got to his garden and ate what the rabbits missed. But I just couldn't kill any of them. The few that made it into my house, I carefully picked them up, and dropped them in the grass out back. Well, a few days later I noticed dozens of large butterflies in our flower beds. I have never seen so many beautiful butterflies at one time. You know me, my camera is always close to my side, so here are some pictures of these pretty creatures. So glad I didn't have the heart to squish them in their earlier form!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Stampin Up Wish List

I sure do wish I had discovered Stampin Up products ten years ago when I first got into scrapbooking. I have drawers and shelves full of papers, inks, and markers in all colors, but not many of them coordinate. Then I discovered with SU all of their inks and markers fully corrdinate and match with their standard paper packs and Designer Papers. They also have several adorable stamp sets that have coordinating punches. So I started ordering a few new things here and there within the last year and have collected a lot of used stamp sets over the same time with Ebay. SU also has a clearance section on their website and I have recently bought many full sets of papers and other items real cheap this way. I still have a long way to go, but slowly working on it. I now attend a monthly card class and we have such a great time. Typically we make three cards or projects each month. Initally we paid $10.00 per class, but we have since formed a small club where the members pay a minimum $30.00 and everyone will rotate and on their month receive a free hostess set for $150.00 in orders. I was lucky enough and got the second month in our rotation and will play the host this Friday, the 20th. I am excited and looking forward to it. I also have to bring a snack and beverage for our small group. Anyway this is my wish list with SU. There are many more items I would love to have and enjoy, but these are the main ones I will be hoping to order over the next several months.

Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...